Billing Cycle
SSL Certificates - Domain Validation - RapidSSL


£1.29 GBP Save  23 %
£0.99 GBP Monthly
  • 256-Bit Encryption
  • Issuance Time: Minutes
  • Great For: Personal Websites
  • Warranty Value: USD $10,000
  • Trust Site Seal
  • Free Reissues
  • Browser Support: 99.9%
SSL Certificates - Domain Validation - GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium

GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium

£5.29 GBP Save  13 %
£4.59 GBP Monthly
  • 256-Bit Encryption
  • Issuance Time: Minutes
  • Great For: Small Business
  • Warranty Value: USD $500,000
  • Trust Site Seal
  • Free Reissues
  • Browser Support: 99.9%


Informational Pages

Server-to-server Communications

What Is Standard DV SSL?

Domain Validation certificates offer an economical and quick way to implement SSL to your website. Domain Validated certificates verify you own the domain, but do not perform any additional organization level validation.

Domain Validated certificates are ideal for personal websites, blogs and social media, or any sites that are not transmitting private and confidential information. A Domain Validated certificate activates the browser padlock and enables the use of https to assure your website visitors and customers that you take their privacy seriously.
SSL Certificates - Domain Validation - What Is Standard DV SSL?

Why should I choose Standard SSL?

Delivered in Minutes for Instant Protection

The fastest and most affordable way to activate SSL protection for your website, issuance is quick and often fully automated.

Trust Site Seal

Our SSL Certificates come with a trust seal that has been proven to increase visitor confidence and customer conversions.

Boost your Google Ranking

Google uses SSL/HTTPS as a factor in determining search engine ranking. Add SSL today to help boost your Google ranking!

Frequently asked questions

What is a Domain Validation SSL Certificate?

Domain Validation (DV) SSL certificates offer the fastest, easiest, and most cost-effective solution for online businesses to establish a secure website environment. Issued within minutes, DV certificates provide industry-standard 256-bit encryption and validate domain ownership. Knowing they are visiting a safe and secure site gives your customers peace of mind.

Our SSL Certificates Are From Some Of The Most Trusted Brands In Online Security.

Let’s get started

Choose a web hosting provider that makes website creation fast, easy, and completely risk-free with our *30-day money-back guarantee.

* Excludes Domain Names and Some Addons